Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Like building sandcastle.

Sometimes, friendship is like building sandcastle.

Together with your friends, you build a sandcastle. Firm, strong and pretty. As waves lap at it, you take turns to repair and patch up the sandcastle. It remains strong and pretty.

But as time goes by, you just let the waves erode the sandcastle. Only repairing it once in a while. Allowing the castle to be eroded pretty badly.

And just like in life, there are always free-riders. They realized that their friends will always take the initiative to repair the sandcastle. So why bother? The friends will always be there. Always hanging around. So they just sit back and watch. When the friends are repairing the sandcastle, they will stand at the sidelines giving "suggestions" and offering their "eye-power".

Eventually, these friends get tired. The castle began to deteoriate. The free-riders begin to panic. They don't want the castle to be gone. But they are too lazy to repair it. They think that even if they tried, the castle won't be repaired. So what do they do? They go to the friends and tell them, "I think the castle is falling apart." After which, they will wait and wait.

All these years, I have been the stupid ones. Repairing the castles. Letting them ride on me for free.

I know I've said these many times. But these time, I am really ready to just sit back and let the castle. I want to see the look of horror/panic/indifference on the free-rider's face as the castle dissolve to nothing but sand.

Till we are strangers again.

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