Monday, June 30, 2008

Hello, Bloo!

While sourcing for pictures of cartoons, I stumbled upon Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.

And!!! I promptly fell in love with -


Go on, tell me that he is not cute *evil glares* So I went to Youtube and saw a few videos. Adorable~

Heehee. Bloo is now the wallpaper for my handphone :D

And during our boring feedback session today, I started drawing Bloo! But....

My Bloo went from looking like a ghost.

To looking like a retard.

To looking like a cranky ghost.

WAH! Hahas. But oh wells. My drawing is not excellent mah.

But yes (: My newest favorite cartoon, Bloo! Can't wait for the cartoon to arrive! :D

And if I can find a cute Bloo toy, I'll try my old soft toys away!

stay. away.

Relationships (and anything resembling it) has never been as unattractive to me as it has been now.

It took a conversation with ber to realized that.

All that checking the phone every few moments for his reply, feeling the need to constantly message him, the want to talk on the phone every night and the whole "I-just-can't-get-enough-of-you" things.

All these. All of them feels disgusting to me. I don't even know why.

In a relationship (and anything resembling it), it's not what you expect that's hard and sticky. It's HIS expectations that are complicating stuff.

For me. For now. I just want something with no complications.

You know, talk/message each other only if you feel like it.

Quite like what I had last year.

Kudos to all those who have ever been/are in a relationship.

And if I sound emo, I am not. I am just frustrated and tired and can't stand how some of my girlfriends are so eager to settle down. And this does not make me a loose-ey SPG or anything.

Yeah. Fun! Come this way.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Feast of Fury (:

Ever since I saw the commercial of Mac's Feast of Fury -

I have wanted to try! Like REALLY badly! But the mother unit has been cooking almost every night for the past week and there's no MacDonald near my workplace, I can't try!

But! TODAY! I tried it! Lunch with Sivan, Mabel and San! Okay, I was the only one who ate-.- But YES! I tried the Feast of Fury! Haaaaaiii-YAH!

I think I have 7 pieces of the spicy McNuggets. See, I had one before I decided to get the curry sauce. Then I brought one to munch on while I went to get the curry. I had another one before Mabel came. And when I look at my box, I still have 4 more left! 7!!! Hahas.

It was SPICY! Like really spicy! But it was SHIOK! No other way to describe it. And with curry, it taste heavenly! Haaaaaaiiiii-YAH! *licks finger*

Yups(: And I didn't realised it until I reached home and told my brother what I had for lunch. But (look at the video)....

(I need a phone that takes better video)

And I think I did a mini-version of it sub-consciously when I went to order the meal *digs hole and bury head* That will probably explain why the counter staff were laughing. BAH!

But yes! The afternoon was nicely spent talking and gossiping with the 3 girls(:

San left early, but Sivan, Mabel and I had ice-cream while on the way to the library -

My $1 Raspberry ice-cream cone(:

I borrowed 7 books from the library and Sivan bought 2 Freddy Krueger shirt. But that's another story for another time.

Off to bake!

it's frustrating.

To me, at least.

I really don't get some of my friends some time. Bestie included.

I don't know. For me, I make it a point to draw the line. If a guy likes me and I don't reciprocate the feelings, I either drift away or make it loud and clear to the person that we are friends. I won't go out with that guy unless it's clear to all of us that we are friends.

I will move it back to Friends territory because god forbids, I don't want to lead the person on. And I most definitely don't want to be nice and not hurt his feelings now. Because it will hurt more if it's allowed to drag and you continue to go out with the guy thinking that it's platonic while the guy thinks the other way. Like maybe maybe it's a date.

But some of my friends are just so nice. Too nice.

They go out with these guys (knowing that they might like her) and just let things go on. I guess, my friends are trying to be nice and not hurt the guy's feelings. And maybe they just hope they will start liking the guy after awhile?

As much as I love my friends, sometimes, I just have to shake my head and sigh in frustration. What to do?

Anyways, relationships are complicated stuff. STAY AWAY! For now, at least.

Flings and fun, come this way.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

2 years ago, it made me gooey and soft. i hated it.

the first booty call toughen me up and i am what i am now.

never going down the gooey path. i'm more ruthless and bitchy than ever before.

Friday, June 27, 2008

SM is like high school!

I'm in a foul mood. Not for the whole day. Just now. Now! So, the bitchy bitch is in da house.

This post is potentially offensive but do I care? No, I don't give a damn.

Sometimes, social media (using the term rather loosely here) platform is like high school. There's the exclusive club (with all the cheerleaders) and then there's the others. How mature.

And the people who are in the exclusive club are people who are always going on and on about how social media is all about breaking down barriers, connecting people, adding value and basically, bring world peace. Haa. My very flat ass is laughing here. Been ironic, much?

There they are going on and on about how social media is the be all and end all (or whatever that phrase is) and there they are building up the freaking barriers, forming their little exclusive club and probably thinking that SM is really about what they have said. Probably telling themselves that, "Yes! SM is about connecting people! Look at these new friends I have made! They are like me!Look at my followers!". Freaks.

If you observe Plurk or Twitter, you will realized that there's these few people who do not comment on posts that is not posted by their friends. Why?! Why?! Is it because they are always meepok posts? Posts about mundane stuff? Whine-like posts?


Conversely, when one of the members of the exclusive group writes a post, these few people will flood to comment, have their own private jokes and generally, behave like it's the best post in the world! When in actual fact, these people may just be writing a meepok-pok (i.e. very meepok) post like, "My nail broke!".

Like seriously? What's going here? Double standards? Exclusive club? Dis-connecting people?

I don't know. I really don't know how to describe the exact situation to you. How frustrated I feel.

Sometimes, I hate Plurksville, Twitterville and all forms of SM so much that I just want to shut them out.

But sometimes, it provides such good entertainment and there's always nice people like rinaz, hangzilla, nadnut and etc!


Post about booty calls buddy coming up.

Edit: @iantimothy said that someone will snigger and call me a sourgrape. ooohh. that's so hurtful. NOT! pfft. Go back to your exclusive club *boo!*

Singtel Boo Boo.

It's the time of the year again! Time for me to change my handphone! (:

As I only change my phone once every 2 year, I take my time choosing and usually end up buying an expensive AND good phone. This time, I am eye-ing at Samsung Omnia!

I e-mailed Singtel customer service via their website and asked about their 21-month phone upgrade thingy. Got an auto-reply that said that they will get back to me in 5 days time.

I waited and waited. 5 days. 7 days. Nothing!

On the 9th day, I e-mailed them again and this time, the person called the very next day.

I asked about the 21-month upgrade and about getting bill rebates (everyone seems to be getting it but me).

The person told me both privileges are only for subscribers who have signed a contract. Huh? I have been with Singtel for almost 8 years! From the good-old days of PodLite till now! That means I have renewed FOUR 2-year contracts!

So I asked the nice lady to explain more and once again, she repeated the same thing to me! I told her what I just typed above and she repeated the same thing again! WHAT?!

After a few repeats of said scenario with me improving my questions and description, the lady said she will need to refer me to another department and get someone else to call me. Fine. Cool.

So this second lady called me. She said she couldn't answer my questions about the bill rebates! (WHAT?!) But she can answer my questions about the 21-month phone upgrade. She said, "Yes, Madam. You qualify for the 21-month phone upgrade."

Don't you think I know that from your website?!!

Then I asked, " How does the 21-month phone upgrade work? Let's say I would like to purchase the new Samsung Omnia. How much would that cost me?"

Guess what?! She quoted me some ridiculous price that is totally different from what I saw online and told me a price that is horrendously expensive! And worse of all! She don't understand how the 21-month upgrade works!

I had to ask her, "I read from the website that I am entitled $100 off from any handset I buy. Is it true?"

And she went, "Oh yeah! Let me calculate again!" And off she went calculating and after which, she quoted me the same price as before (i.e. without the $100 rebate!).

Like hello?!

AND! She said, "Samsung Omnia is about $798 with your plan." And I'm like HUH?! From the website, it said it's $698 with plan! I asked her and she mumbled mumbled (god knows what she said) and then said she will call me back again.


The whole point of calling and asking the customer service is so that I can get a better and clearer picture of their plans, right? So how come I end up teaching their customer officers? Who doesn't even know information that is published on THEIR website?

Fuming mad.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Before I go...

Now that Wireless@sg is up (finally! after 4 days!), I thought I could blog in between work. But, alas! I was wrong. Time was spent between online shopping, plurk (very dead today) and looking at handphones.

So, before I zoom-zoom home ( Here's a sample of what I was told to do for the whole department in preparation for something -

My supervisor, Veronica(:

Yups(: It should be another "photoshop" project again since all the writing and interviews are done.

Oh wells(:
Yesterday on Plurkville...

(click to enlarge and read the plurk)


Join me on Plurk! I have only NINE friends! Pity me! Come out of those caves, my cave friends-.-

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

while reading in bed last night, i read that brain surgery can cause swelling and temporary lost of memory.

that was the first time i felt afraid.

Feels like family (:

Yesterday went almost perfectly. “Get Smart” with the newly-formed movie gang was fun!

But right after I switched on the computer, things started going downhill. Even though Sivan, Walter and ber tried to cheer me up, it wasn’t working. I was feeling really horrible and frustrated. Then stomachache and headaches started to strike! So I switched off the laptop after getting what I needed.

Slept and woke up at 5.40am when I am supposed to be waking up at 6.10am. Seriously! What’s wrong with my body?

Both the rubber chains for my braces broke and my teeth are hurting like nobody’s business. Came to work and realized Right after that, the cramps started attacking like nobody’s businessL I am not in the best form to battle both the pain because of the late night! So I am pretty whiney and easily irritable the whole morning.

But my colleagues are nice!

The whole department had to attend a meeting. So, they all went, “我们去开会了啊!” and, “We’ll be at the board room!” before leaving. No idea why. But it made me smile and comforted (:

Then my supervisor, Veronica, came and passed me some things to do. Had a small chat and I mentioned that I am having cramps and toothache and the works. I was almost whining to her! Opps!

Guess what? She went to the canteen and bought me a cup of warm milo !!! (: For the cramps. She said, “At least one of the pain is settled!” and she told me to take my time to do my work!

Man, I feel so touched! And I almost ALMOST cried!

But yeah! So sweet of Veronica!

I may not be doing big stuff like all my other friends are doing. But I have the best colleagues ever! (: At least there’s no office politics or anything!

you know how i always feel like slapping myself after being "fake"?

i feel like doing that now.

*breathes* i'm okay i'm okay! gone tomorrow!

Type A, = me!

On the whole and in usual settings, I am a pretty collected, calm and level-headed person. Okay, I am also a little bit cuckoo and sometimes, way too spontaneous! Some people even called me, "小绵羊" (little sheep) *hands over bucket to reader* I know!

However, when it comes to projects certain situations in projects, the Type A demon in me will be unleashed *cue Jaws music*

The certain situations is –

a) Passive-Aggressive people. Need I say more?

That’s about it. The Type A demon causing factor! But seriously, I am a pretty good group mate to have. Especially since I have the tendency to compartmentalize things. So that means that I can be Type A to one group mate and the nice-nice fairy to the rest(:

My bark is worse than my bite. Most of the times.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

someone pissed my mother off this morning and i am suffering the aftermath. sheesh!

but it's okay. i have my books and plurkville(: kind of.

the pillows are giving me neck-aches! so i have been waking up pretty early these days. need to get them changed or something.

here's to hoping for a fun-er rest of Sunday(:

How I Met Your Mother

Okay, fine. I started watching this show because of Britney. But being bored and all, I started from the very first episode of the very first season. And VIOLA! I finished 3 seasons of it!

It got a little bit draggy towards the middle of the 2nd season but it picked up after that. Rather nice!

However, I think it's more of a bloke show though. But it appeals to me! (: Watch it if you want a laugh and have a little amount of time to spend(:

(insert picture of show. coming soon!)

Friday, June 20, 2008

Grab all you can!

One more week and the dad's shop will be closed.

After 21 years of not paying groceries and necessities, the family is bringing plenty of stuff home to store so we don't have to buy them in the near future.

Like my mum said, "Take whatever you want. Next time must pay le!"

So here's a list of stuff I brought home over the past weeks:
  1. 20 packs of sanitary napkins.
  2. 10 packs of Shokubutsu shower pack refill.
  3. 5 boxes of Ribena pastilles (all gone!)
  4. 5 big bottles of Pantene Total Care shampoo.
  5. 3 small bottles of Pantene Total Care shampoo.
  6. 3 packs of Magiclean Wiper Sheet.
  7. 3 packs of Magiclean Wet Wipes.
  8. 5 packets of Tasty Biscuit (I should have gotten more!)
  9. 3 packets of disposable razors.
  10. 1 box of Hazeline Moisturizing Cream
I took a break last week, thinking that the things will always be there. But! Nooooo..By last Wednesday, all my favorite tidbits are gone. Like gone!!! Darn!!

Anyways, I think I'll probably slim down after the shop is gone. No more free food! :(

Thursday, June 19, 2008

J.Co Donuts!

Half a dozen for $7.
Hopefully it's nice.
3 for the siblings and 3 for me lunch tomms(:

Adorable? NOT!

You know how little kids likes to ask you questions? Even though you have just told them the answer a few minutes before?

For example -

Mum: No chocolates today, okay? If not, you won't get well and won't be able to go out to play.

No response from kid but it seems like he understood until...

Kid: Mummy, can I have chocolates?
Mum: No, because....(explains again)...I told you just now!
Kid: No, you didn't!
Mum: Okay, now you know. No chocolates, okay?
Kid: Can I have chocolates?

The cycle continues until either the kid burst out crying or the mum loses her temper.

You know, when kids do that, they can be cute albeit a little irritating. And you can understand why the kid is doing it. His reasoning skills is still not that developed (can't see link between chocolate and getting well) and so he kept asking.

But, imagine how frustrated the mum must have felt.

I felt like the mum today.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Gathering in a club?

That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

Like what I told Kelvin when he suggested it -

"You go to a club and get squeezed. Then in an attempt to communicate, you scream into each other's ears. At some point in time, everyone will be deaf and drunk."

Clubbing are for friends who are not sick of seeing each other but have nothing else to say with each other. Not for friends you haven't seen in a while or people you want to share thoughts with.

Clubbing is fine. Just not for gatherings.

Thanks, Sivanny-Wany-Boo(:

Got this from Sivan -

Unexpected! Yups! I am surprise! (:

Thanks, cousin! Hees. See! You are making me tear up! Hahas.

I love my friends(:

(It's okay that I post it here right? Hahas.)

Ling's 21st(:

Gloomy stuff for the past 2 days or so. Now, on to happier stuff(:

These are friends whom I know will be there with me(: Even after months of not seeing and contacting each other, we will be "as always" the moment we sit down and talk (:

Last Thursday, we met up to celebrate Ling's birthday(: This is Ling and I in Sec 4 -

Cheryl, Me, Ling(:
And this is us today(:

She's the person I always run to (back in secondary school) when I have problems or just want to bitch about stuff. I will always run to her class in between bells/lessons and talk to Juan and her.

Ling is also the one who came up with the statement about me, "...Don't comfort her! Let her cry. If you comfort her now, she's going to cry even more...!" Very accurate! Heees.

Now, we don't meet up as often or talk as often. But just like Sivan, Juan and bestie, she's those kind of person whom I can call and talk to anytime(:

Am I boring you? BLEHS!

Anyways, we met up on Thursday at J8. Most of them were late so the early birds went ahead and have dinner first. We can't decide what to have so we settled it, the old fashion way - Scissors, Paper, Stone. Swesens (aka Sivan) won!

We did some "cam-whoring" (still waiting for Kelvin to send me the pictures) and had dinner! There was this little incident about Kelvin's steak but oh wells! The girls shared Apple Crumble and Frosted Chocolate Malt for desserts! (: Yums Yums!

After dinner, we went to playground at Level 3 and did some more cam-whoring!

Ling and Michelle on the slide!

I think this is Juan's legs and Sivan's foot in the top left corner.

The guys - Kelvin being stupid as usual.
(Behind left: Kelvin and XY; Front left: Santo and Eddy)

Trying the night scenery mode at Kelvin's request.
I think Susanto was trying to create the moving background that I said-.-

Group shot(:
I love every single one of them here! ((:

After that, we went to MacDonalds and chat. Didn't reach home till 12 midnight(: Fun!

We made plans to do lots of stuff together. Hopefully, they will all happen! *fingers cross*

I don't make sense. And this is a mushy post. But wth.

I may have very few friends. But those that I have are those that I hold close to my heart(:

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I just feel like saying this.

Congratulations. You have turned into one of them. You have.

Joanne's right. Finding a friend in uni is hard. Ohwells.

Dissing the banana ass.

Welcome to another episode of dissing the banana ass *applause*

If I have a dollar every time banana ass uses the word "hot", I will be able to afford one iTouch, one iPhone, one MacBook Pro, one Samsung Omnia, one Nikon D40X get the drift.

It's so sickening. I mean, seriously! For the third day in a row, when I log on to Facebook, I will see that word, his name, a girl's name and the girl's pictures. Sometimes, the girl is not even hot! Just dressed scantily. Okay, that's too mean. To the girl.

It's like how desperate can he get?! This guy is literally searching for porn on social networks! In myspace, Facebook and Friendster! Of course, by adding these girls, he is also hoping to get into their pants. Get a life lah!

And then there's a few guys I know who really like to use the excuse (and I quote), "..I am a guy. I have needs..." to explain...well, to explain everything.

Erm...One word. Whatever.

It just gets on my nerve.

There's a reason why I "like" that guy. He is direct and never beat around the bushes (no pun intended). Now, that's sexy.

This post is so going to be moved.


I saw this lady who is wearing a really short dress. But it doesn't look that short on her because her legs weren't long.

I wore a dress that is not that short but because of my long legs, it looks superliciously short and I get nagged at by colleagues, parents, friends and sister.


But, I heart my long legs a lot. Amen to that.

Monday, June 16, 2008


Ever since last Friday, I have been facing everything pretty calmly (if I do say so myself). While my sister handled the calls, I had another "job".

Reassuring everyone that things are okay. Things will be okay.

As the week drags on and the number of conflicting messages the doctors are giving, everyone is stressing out abit. Worries and questions are piling up. So everyone is behaving rather weirdly in the house.

My brother is back to his ridiculous self. The 霸道王 who yells at everyone. And THAT alone is enough for me to handle. I have to go around cleaning his mess. Like after he yelled at my sister, I have to go to a) comfort the sister, b) calm him down and c) get them to talk to each other again so the mother unit won't worry.

When can I stop being strong for everyone?

There's so much I want to say. But I don't know where to start. I wish to back in Deyi where I don't have to pretend to be strong because my friends are there to support me. It makes it easier for me to go home and be strong.

Whatever. I am losing my ability to express.

My Baking Disaster!

I tried to bake yesterday. And very smartly, I bought another brand of ready-mix. I bought this brand:

Instead of the usual Betty Crochet brand because the selection available in J8's NTUC is pathetic.

So, I did the usual things -

Eggs, butter and milk.

Pour them into a bowl (or a pot) with the ready-mix.

Mix it up.

Oh, you know the drift. Put mixture into muffin cups, bake and then viola! Nice smelling muffins!


I know it's suppose to be cake but I went to their website and check, you just do the same thing but instead of pouring mix into bread pan, put them into muffin cups!

But! My muffins came out smelling like bread! And taste....well..basically, they have no taste except for the sultanas.

URGHH! I should have known when the ready-mix didn't smell nice! I should have known!!!!

And because of the baking disaster, my brother made the following comment, "Your muffins taste like cookies, and your cookies taste like muffins."

CRAP! I am sticking to Betty Crochet next time. Maybe NTUC Extra may have more variety.

And no, I am still not ready to start from scratch!

A Little Explanation.

I think one of my group mates from last semester just read my post I wrote a few months back.

Maybe she's angry about the whistle-blowing part or something. FYI, I didn't pinpoint anyone at all when I was telling the tutor. But at the end of the day (and what I didn't write) was that I told my tutor to let all of us have equal grades.

Or maybe she's angry at all the bitchy bits I wrote. But please take into account that I was tired and stress out when I wrote all those entries. I felt that all of your grades depended on me. I know that's not true. But I felt that way and I don't want to disappoint any of you.

At the end of the day, I realized that it all balance out. She took as much responsibility in another module as I took in this module. I realized that and I apologized for saying some stuff I shouldn't have said. And thank you for taking up more responsibility in that other module.

And when I am talking to you, I am not acting or pretending. I am those kind that whine and bitch and all the hoo-haa. After that, I am okay and I treat you like a normal friend. I don't bear grudges. And I don't pretend.

And if it makes her feel any better, my grade for that module was a B-. So yups.

Anyways, everything is over le, isn't it? We all got our final grades and the new semester is coming up. Let's just let it go, shall we?

I already have.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

And perhaps, that's why she (and another friend) didn't cross my mind when I was sending out sms-es to my friends about what happened last week.

Ohwells. I can officially stop feeling guilty about it.

mean? perhaps.

I have this friend who is supposedly going overseas next month to study. And we are supposedly "close" friends.

But, here's the thing.

Every time, we ask her for details, she is unable to tell us anything except the school she'll be going to. She have no clue as to her flight details, her accommodations and her fundings.

And she doesn't update us about it. Or arrange to meet us to spend more time together and all that kind of crap.

She tried to arrange something for tomorrow but canceled it at the last minute. And then now, at 2 am in the morning, she said it's back on. Erm..Sorry, babe. Not interested. You can't drop us and then pick us up again.

It is not a friendship when you are present when they are having fun. And disappear thereafter!

I have had it. My patience are pretty limited towards her attitude. (I can't believe I feel bad for snapping at her last week).

So, I have chucked her into the same category as the person (who is very mean to sivan). I am not going to be there for her when she comes to me with one of her stupid sex/relationship questions.

And to officiate it....

"I don't want to hear anything about her. Do not tell me anything about her. I don't give a shit about her. She can fly off to the North Pole for all I care. I don't give a shit."

SPP should know who I am talking about. Both of them.

Waste of my time.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

How to fry an egg!

*ahem* I ma pretty "domesticated" these days. Trying my hands on cooking, baking and cutting fruits.

Yes, yes. This dumb dumb have no idea how to fry an egg or skin an apple -.- But, I'm trying! (I have no idea how long this "domestication" is going to last though.)

Therefore, for those of you who don't know how to fry an egg. Here's the 101!

Step One: Prepare egg and small bowl.

Step Two: Crack egg into bowl.

(Warning: Egg shell can cut fingers if egg crack is too small. I got cut-.-)

Step Three: Beat the egg with a spoon (optional).

Step Four: Pour about 2.5 teaspoon of oil into frying pan.

( may want to use a new spoon. You don't want tiny flakes of egg flying out of the pan.)

(Yes, those white spots are egg yolk and they jumped out of the pan when I turned on the stove-.- They are like fireworks!)

Step Five: Pour egg in and switch on the stove!

Step Six: Flip the egg.

(Erm..Yes, my flipping skills are still questionable.)

Step Seven: Serve with porridge(:


I like plain porridge with a bit of egg, diced fried tofus and vegetables(:

And no, you may not say how un-nutritious my meal is. Blehs!

Next: How to skin an apple!
(Synopsis: The apple never look the same anymore!)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Dearest FYP mates,

Read this by Unique-Frequency.

Food for thought? Maybe we can work along this line as well?

Anyways, we didn't set a deadline for the proposal. By next Sunday? Send to me? (:

Totally random.

I have been Plurking and Twittering this past week. Twitter was down pretty badly last week (or was it 2 week ago?). Anyhow, even though I can always convert to manual tweets, it just feels different? o.O So I got on Plurk.

I love the timeline interface! And it's so much cuter (:

No friends yet. So people! Join Plurk!! I know none of you will join-.- But no harm trying eh? Heh.

Most common question asked when people realised that I have braces...
'How do you kiss?"
Erm...Just normally? I usually laugh the question away. I don't see why kissing has to be different just because of braces! Ohwells.

Saw this guy on the train today. He looks really really familiar. A mix between volleyball captain (eye-candy in JC) and mr smu. I'm pretty sure he is the volleyball captain but he's too tall! Opps.

The teeth is hurting. I can't even eat biscuits this morning! Pathetic. But I guess...It's the whole, "darkness before the dawn" and all that crap. ONE MORE MONTH!! The pain is making me so tired-.-

Ohyeah. Saran is a gundu. He watched the last episode of Lost and didn't know that it was the end. Until I told him last week-.- His reaction? "No wonder the show was so good!" -.-

I refused to watch Lost Season 4 until I have the whole season! It's going to take forever *sigh*


Zip-a-dee-do-dah, zip-a-dee-dae, my oh my what a beautiful day(:

Monday, June 9, 2008

Good day(:

(Hopefully I won't jinx the rest of the day)

The weekend went by in a rush. Spending the day waiting and waiting.

But today was not a blue monday(:

I moved to my new tiny table (picture soon) today and everyone came and talked to me.

Some apologised, some helped me moved the useless PC around to make more space for me while some came and asked about what I am having for lunch (I told them I am "vegetarian" so that they won't bring me meat that I don't eat).

"Donuts are for tea and breakfast, not lunch!" said one of my colleague when he saw me having donuts for lunch.

"Here. I know you will like ice-cream. Cause you are like me 老顽童," said another colleague as he scooped a HUGE cup of durian ice-cream for me! Even though, I hate durian but I ate half of it(:

Then I went for dental appointment! The nurse bought me a cup of mango bubble tea(: Lookie!

Then when I went in, my doctor told me good news! He removed the round rings and..... *drum rolls* I can remove the braces next month!!!

OMG OMG OMG!! (((:

On the side, I have had so many sweet stuff today. 3 donuts, durian ice cream and mango bubble tea-.-

More water tomorrow!!

Thanks, God(:


I have been looking at cars. On the way to the washroom, I'll need to go walk by the car park and I'll see lots of cars. We are filled with Nissan Sunny's here. But this car caught my eye -

Toyota Corolla Sienta

Maybe because it's in yellow (the one in the car park). You know, those VW Beetle Yellow? And..Get this! It looks pretty small but it can seat 7 people! 7!!!! Now! Who says family car must be huge and ugly?

It cost about $69 000. Not too bad eh? If only if the back is round and not square-ish.

Then of course, there's VW Beetle Cabriolet that I still love (but not as much as before).

VW Beetle Cabriolet

I can't seem to find a picture with the top up. But I think it shouldn't be that bad. I'm pretty sure this is the car that Ingrid has. Hmm.

The thing is...Just because I can put the top down, I have to pay approximate $30 000 more for it. That brings the price to $115 000. Pretty expensive.

And considering that Singapore roads are not exactly the best place to drive with the top down (unless you want to die from exhaust poison), maybe a normal VW Beetle will do. It cost about $80 000.

Okay, I am choosing them based on appearance. Come on! I'm a girl! What do I know about cars? Hees.

Yups. These are the cars that I rather like now. Well, there's still BMWs but those are horrendously expensive. But then again, by the time I can afford them a car, these cars will be outdated and newer models will be out.

Ohwells. It never hurt to dream a bit(:


Otherwise known as Clue in US(:

I am hooked! I bought the board game 2 years ago. Played with it with my cousins for awhile and ever since then, it's been in cold storage. Everyone lost interest with it.

Then! I downloaded a Clue game! And it's kind of fun! (I mean, I can't force my cousins to play with me so yeah.)


Just like the board game!

Making an accusation.

Pretty fun and entertaining(:

But meanwhile, I am looking for real Cluedo buddies!!!!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Be. Normal.

Now that you guys know the result and what's happening, please please please please please please be normal.

Don't act all funny around me. Don't go soft on me. Don't do those stuff you do. And most importantly,


Call me out for lunch, dinner or whatever. Call me out for clubbing, kbox-ing and whatever too!

Because life goes on!

I do not want to burst into tears and everything. Because when you comfort me and act abnormally, I will feel pathetic and feel sad. The mentality will go, " If they are comforting me, then it must be bad." and the scares the shit outta me.

Be normal! (:

The. News.

Okay, here's the deal -

The found a fleshy lump in the brain. It's pressing on one of the nerves. The 3rd opinion was not as optimistic. And they actually sought the head neurologist and had a group discussion about the MIR scan result. So now, we are waiting for an appointment with the doctor (who I heard have operated on MM Lee's wife) and see how it goes from there. But I think an operation is inevitable.


With that said, I am rather impressed with myself. No tears and no panic. After the group of doctors dropped the bomb, I was the one who went about doing everything and mapping out our next steps. Talking to my mum while the siblings went to sleep.


Pray for her, yeah?(:

Saturday, June 7, 2008

A day at the hospital(:

The day started off rather strangely. My dad stood at the door of my room and went, "Shan..Shan.." until I woke up. Why can't he enter my room and tap my feet or something to wake me up? *scratch head* I guess it's a good thing that I am a pretty light sleeper(:

Reached TTSH at 9.00am. 2 neurologists came and they had differing opinions about the MIR scan. Waiting for the 3rd opinion tomorrow and the result for the CT scan as well. *fingers crossed*

Spent the rest of the day with the mother unit. Sleeping at the foot of her bed, reading and just talking. Me, the sister unit and her. It was rather nice! Even though she kept chasing us home-.- And we had a nice little dinner with the cousin!

The brother unit opted to go home early to play DOTA and he acted like a spoilt brat when the sister unit and I brought back dinner at 10.30pm.

Oh! I had Starbucks for breakfast! And they decorated my frap! Lookie -

And the sister unit and I had a teeny-weeny shopping spree when we went for lunch at Novena Square!

I bought another edc top. The second one in 2 weeks! But seriously, I am starting to fall in love with the brand again. Heh.

We also bought...DONUTS!

Okay, fine. I bought donuts. The sister unit couldn't care less. I had to force her to choose one flavor and assure her that I am going to pay for them-.- Whees~ Breakfast tomorrow!

We also went to VideoEzy and rented 2 movies - Knocked Up (my choice!) and WTC (her choice *yawns*). Yups(:

Okay! Cinderella has to do the laundry now! (I am the laundry lady when the mother unit is not around).

Friday, June 6, 2008

Party World with the guys and Mag!

2 weeks ago, I had the sudden urge to sing.

Last week, the wealth-planning group went to Party World on Friday. I couldn't join them because I had tuition (bummer!).

But finally! I went k-boxing (or in this case PW-ing) with YM, Walter, their friend and Mag last night! (:

I hate Party World! It took such a long time for us to get "high" (get in the mood to sing) and then just when we are reaching the "high" peak (珊瑚海 helped a lot), the freaking system crashed! And we had to wait for 10 minutes or so for it to be fixed.

Meanwhile, to entertain ourselves, Mag played music via her phone and amplified it via the mike. And Walter started singing. Quite funny.

Oh! I sang a MALAY SONG for the first time! Okay, I didn't sing but YM and Walter's friend, Ken (I think), did. It was rather funny.

The mood was not quite there last night? I blame it on work and Party World. I can't sing for nuts after work. My voice was choked and almost gone by the 3rd song-.- Party World just sucks. The room is not dim enough, it's too small and the sofa is so freaking small that I can't sit in my usual "un-glam" position!

It was a night filled with Jay Chou songs (all of them like Jay except YM) and some old songs by 陈晓东 and 无印良品 (courtesy of Mag and me).

Oh yeah. My voice is almost gone now because I was straining and shouting yesterday. I suggest we move to K-Box next time. Maybe it will be better? NO MORE PARTY WORLD! (This applies to ktv session with the devil sisters and anyone else).

Wednesday, June 4, 2008




有个朋友从UK回新。 而这个朋友想和中学 student council 聚一聚,所以又是我这个白吃来举办。

下个星期另一个朋友生日。虽然是另一个朋友在举办,但她所谓的举办只是随便同知。 没有confirm, 没有time and date.



Oh, what the hell. Typing hanyu ping ying is killing me.

The bottom line is sometimes I wish my friends are more straightforward, more 果断.

If you are organising a gathering, you not only just contact people and let them know that a gathering is coming up and then leave it there. You have to resend a sms and let them know the exact time, exact date to meet. And a vague idea of where we are going. Get a FINAL confirmation from them.

But for the upcoming birthday gathering, I only know that we are meeting on the 12th. And then? And the list of people coming is not "confirmed". Okay, maybe to the organiser having a vague idea of who is coming is enough. But 50% of the time, half of the people won't turn up. And if that's the case, I don't think I am going. I mean, WTH lah!

And what I don't get is why my friends must take so long to decide if they can make it or not. It's really simple. Ask yourself if you are free on that day. Then ask yourself if it's "worth" it for you to attend the gathering. If yes for both, clear the day and nothing can occur during that period of time. Simple?

No! I hate it. Fuck lah.

I am so frustrated now that I don't even know how to describe my feelings. It's like URGH and URGH and URGH.

I have a right mind to not turn up for the celebration because of the crap organising.

You know, I like organising stuff. But when you have wishy-washy friends like these, you just feel like killing yourself every freaking time.

Sex and the City.

Met up with saran, kelvin and sivan for movie after work(: Just at good old J8 but the company was great so I like(:

I really like watching movies with sivan! Because we say the most random stuff ever. Anyways, we are suppose to be saran's movie team! So, I'm waiting, saran! Hahas.

I am a little disappointed with the movie. After all the rave reviews, I thought it will be excellent?
  • The movie was a little too choppy. No flow. I don't know if it's the producer's fault or that MDA (or whoever) really censored a lot but yes, too choppy and hence, a little hard for me to get into the show.
  • Too many cliche (or whatever you call it). Like how the password was "Love". Towards the end of the show, I was completing the sentence and the story before it happened.
  • I thought the clothes, shoes and bags in the show will be as good as those in "The Devil Wears Prada". But nope. "Devil" made me want to shop! But SATC was like blah! But I did like the wedding dress and some of the more casual wears of Samantha.
  • I like how strong the friendship is. Yups(: And that makes me want to watch SATC TV series. So if you have the dvd, LEND ME!
But overall, I'll give the movie a 3.6 stars - catch it because Narnia should suck (judging from the first movie) and there's no other good movie out there!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

'Tis the season.

'Tis the season for....CAMPS!

Last year, this time, I am preparing myself for Senior Camp! Rushing to get my first bikini, digging out my old sleeping bag, old camping bag and all my baggy t-shirts.

This year....I am stuck in my office doing transcript from presentations-.-

HJ asked if I am going back for Senior Camp last night. I don't think so? Because I am not very shou with Endorians? Okay. To be fair, I am shou with some Endorians but I'll feel weird?

Like I am intruding? And I don't wish that they feel the need to come and include me. So yeah.


I know this is a little early. But whatever it is....H2H FAMILY WILL WIN AGAIN FOR FOC 2008! HUAT AH!

A new kind of nomads- Social Media junkies/users.

Yes, yes. I am slow but I just realized it today. Probably because of the number of people who are threatening to leave Twitter for the inconvenience it caused with the long hours and high number of downtime. Even I am irritated! That’s saying quite a lot since my Twitter usage is dwindling.

Now if you liken each social platform (like Friendster, Facebook, Twitter, Blogspot and whatnot) to green pastures. Then the users (usually frequent social media users) will be nomads.

If you have noticed, they tend to move in “herds”. So they will all come together and form a community in say, Friendster (the pasture). They farm, talk, socialize, gossip and even get married! They customized their “home” and do daily, mundane stuff. They “pasture” starts to get overloaded. Overcapacity!! Problems start to occur. Landslides, floods, lousy crops and POLLUTION!

Now, the leader of these nomads (i.e. the early adopters) will go off in search of newer and fresher pastures. Somewhere that offers the same amenities but still untouched (in this example, Facebook). They will start moving over and eventually, their friends will move as well. Why? Because WE ARE A COMMUNITY! -.- It won’t be soon before long before the old pasture gets abandoned and a new community forms at the new pasture.

Nomads, no? They move in a community, as a group!

So are you a social media nomad? How many times have you moved?(:

And I don't think I will move this time. I am tired and it's not fun when you are the only one running after people.

P/S: Whenever I touch on social media topics, I am always talking about social networking sites eh?

Monday, June 2, 2008

Chop chop.

Been feeling like my insides are burning up since Wednesday last week. Ironically, my temperature is waaaayyy low. Like around the range of 35.7 and 36.3 degrees. Weird.

Having hiccups now. Blehs!

My face is breaking out again *sigh* I seriously think my face is temperamental? Pimple creams that used to work will not work after a month. Tsk tsk. Seriously considering going to a dermatologist like what bestie suggested. We are both picky when it comes to our skin.

Feeling tired so nothing much to say except....

I have changed! You know, I used to want things and will work hard towards it. I will desire it. I, what's that word...Lust for it. I will talk about it non-stop. I won't rest until I get my hands on it.

BUT! Right after I get it, all interest will be gone.

(Sad to say, this attitude applies to relationship too.)

NOW! I will want things too but the desire and the lust will not stay. They are gone after awhile. Like how I don't want an iTouch anymore. Like how I find VW Beetle dumb. Like how I don't want a Mac Book anymore.

That's scary!

Okay, my previous attitude is not any better but the latter is worse right?