Friday, June 27, 2008

Singtel Boo Boo.

It's the time of the year again! Time for me to change my handphone! (:

As I only change my phone once every 2 year, I take my time choosing and usually end up buying an expensive AND good phone. This time, I am eye-ing at Samsung Omnia!

I e-mailed Singtel customer service via their website and asked about their 21-month phone upgrade thingy. Got an auto-reply that said that they will get back to me in 5 days time.

I waited and waited. 5 days. 7 days. Nothing!

On the 9th day, I e-mailed them again and this time, the person called the very next day.

I asked about the 21-month upgrade and about getting bill rebates (everyone seems to be getting it but me).

The person told me both privileges are only for subscribers who have signed a contract. Huh? I have been with Singtel for almost 8 years! From the good-old days of PodLite till now! That means I have renewed FOUR 2-year contracts!

So I asked the nice lady to explain more and once again, she repeated the same thing to me! I told her what I just typed above and she repeated the same thing again! WHAT?!

After a few repeats of said scenario with me improving my questions and description, the lady said she will need to refer me to another department and get someone else to call me. Fine. Cool.

So this second lady called me. She said she couldn't answer my questions about the bill rebates! (WHAT?!) But she can answer my questions about the 21-month phone upgrade. She said, "Yes, Madam. You qualify for the 21-month phone upgrade."

Don't you think I know that from your website?!!

Then I asked, " How does the 21-month phone upgrade work? Let's say I would like to purchase the new Samsung Omnia. How much would that cost me?"

Guess what?! She quoted me some ridiculous price that is totally different from what I saw online and told me a price that is horrendously expensive! And worse of all! She don't understand how the 21-month upgrade works!

I had to ask her, "I read from the website that I am entitled $100 off from any handset I buy. Is it true?"

And she went, "Oh yeah! Let me calculate again!" And off she went calculating and after which, she quoted me the same price as before (i.e. without the $100 rebate!).

Like hello?!

AND! She said, "Samsung Omnia is about $798 with your plan." And I'm like HUH?! From the website, it said it's $698 with plan! I asked her and she mumbled mumbled (god knows what she said) and then said she will call me back again.


The whole point of calling and asking the customer service is so that I can get a better and clearer picture of their plans, right? So how come I end up teaching their customer officers? Who doesn't even know information that is published on THEIR website?

Fuming mad.


Daniel Liu said...

poor thing :\ looks like... my friend got into the same situation as you! :P sorry was surfing the net for the 21 mth contact issue too and came by ur blog ! :P

shans(: said...

haha. it's irritating!

why do you have to apologise to me? haha.

Daniel Liu said...

=D nth. sigh... oh yea so did you get OMNIA as your phone? :P