Monday, May 26, 2008

WITS Presentation.

You know presentation is my first love after chocolate got dumped a few months back.

My supervisor very nicely invited me to a WITS presentation today(: WITS was a very HUGE deal back in secondary school. And apparently, it's quite a HUGE deal here too.

ANYWAY! Today is the day where teams from all the departments came to pitch their presentation to the judges. The winner team will move on to compete with teams from other boards.

I missed the first two presentations but the rest of the presentations are pretty okay but disappointing as well?

Presentation slides have poor color coordination, unreadable slides, improper alignment and all the little tiny faults in presentations that I hate and is/are essential to ensure that the PowerPoint will flow. I mean, RED background and BLACK words! HELLO?

Aesthetics aside. Their presentation skills are dull? They didn't stand up to present. They read from the script. Zero eye contact. No vocal texture. No body language *sigh* They didn't explain the charts!!

Into the project. I realised all of them need to attend HP102 and AB213 badly. To ensure the validity and reliability of their research and to increase the impact of their presentation(:

Okay, there's one team that is not too bad. But they are the only team with youngsters in it. So yeah. No offence, if any!

Anyways, it seems that the judges are set to have that team win even before they present? It was rather obvious because they just kind of schmooz and jump over the "comments from the floor" part.

HEY! I had some questions to asked! Like how do they attribute the increase in visitor counts to the website is unique? How do they ensure that the increase in number of tickets bought is because of increased number of buyers and not increased tickets bought by the same buyers? The figures are really questionable!

But the Q&A session was fogged over and I didn't get a chance to ask?

This just in! The young team won. BLEHS! I was rooting for mine!

*sigh* I thought I will be wow-ed away by my first exposure to "professional" presentations. But I'm not.

Anyhows, going to this presentation makes me realized that.....I miss presenting :(

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