Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Twitter Avatar.

Okay, maybe not avatar for Twitter only but across most, if not all, social networking site.

Apparently, it's "advisable" to have just one picture/avatar or whatever that appear at the side next to your name and on your profile.

It helps people to recognize you from network to network. Like, "Oh! There's that guy standing among the wall of leaves again. He's on Twitter too!" or "Oh! There's that girl wearing the Starbucks color and holding a Starbucks cup!". Something along that line.

Hmm. Then I am the dumb dumb le, because I have different pictures for all my social network account. Except for Facebook and Blogger (but it's not a social networking site right?).

Oh whatever. It's still raining so I can't head to the loo washroom because I am lazy to carry an umbrella! YES! There's no toilet washroom in my office. We need to travel to the washroom!

Over and out.

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