Monday, May 19, 2008

Parents Generation.

(This is the really drunk post)

I'm hating the fact that Blogger doesn't allow us to time our post. So I am seriously considering moving over to Wordpress. But we'll see how that goes.

I'm typing this out on a Sunday night (if you are really anal about timing, then it will be Monday morning) and I will probably post it on Monday night.

I am probably falling from my chocolate high so I am starting to feel a little tired. And after a crappy re-make of my favorite book (Review: PS I Love You), I am a little cranky and sarcastic. If you are interested, I stopped watching the crap-ass movie after 30 minutes.

Anyways, I was reading my friend's blog and I noticed something.

This may not be true for all people but I realised that people from our parent's generation, are not really accustomed or comfortable with showing their feelings. Especially for their kids. Especially if the family falls in the lower/middle income group.

So what they do to express their care and concern is via scolding. Yes, my darlings. Through scolding.

For example, you are sick to the point where you feel like if you sneeze one more time, your nose is going to drop off. The parental unit is probably worried sick. But they don't know how to show that. They probably think saying it out or giving you a hug is weird. And they are frustrated with themselves for that and worried sick. So what do they do? They scold you!

Like? Well, some common phrases you may hear -

"See lah! Bathe so late and still don't blow your hair!"

"Do you know that you don't earn money when you are sick?"

"Do you know that by not going to school, you are going to lag behind?"

When I was a teenager (gosh, I sound old), I find it quite hard to accept that. But as I grow older, I started to notice a pattern? And I gradually understood why(:

The parental unit still yells at me when I fall sick. They have even resorted to not talking to me when I fall sick! But I'm used to it and I know they still care. I don't get hurt by their actions. Most of the time. Yeah.

But seeing how hurt my friend is because of what her parents said to her, it kind of brought back memories?

Are your parents like that? Do they yell at you when you are sick?

Tomorrow! A post about...Shucks! I forgot what topic it was.

P/S:I think that I am a little drunk. From what? I have no idea. But I am blabbering, aren't I? My sub-concious is chanting, "Drunk. Drunk.Drunk" Oh, do shut up!

Huishan, OVER AND OUT!

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