Friday, May 9, 2008


I really should get creative or more informative with my title.

But you have to admit that naming the post by the day is one of the better non-informative and non-creative way of naming your post.

Slept all the way till 4.30pm. Really tired. Actually, I woke up at 9am, realised how achey my whole body is and promptly re-entered La-La Land(:

Met up with Mabel at 6.30pm(: Went to Poh Heng to get my mum a gift for Mother's Day! I swear I have never spent so much at one shot. I am broke:( Gold is freaking expensive, I tell you! Even the sister unit was shocked beyond words when I told her the price. But I still think it's a rather good idea.

See, my mum sold her 嫁妆 a few months back. So I thought it will be nice to "replace" it? Not replace replace but you know.

So here's what I bought -

Luckily the siblings unit agreed to share the present. If not, I will be really REALLY broke. Heh. Hopefully the mother unit will like it and not yell at us XD

Kbox session with the girls and the JC guys was quite nice and fun(: We played 猜拳 and 海带 after singing for like 4 hours? I am terribly and horribly bad at these games. I keep losing so I had to eat all the peanuts. Sheesh!

Everyone ran out of stamina around 1am (5 hours of singing). We started singing really old songs and the girls made me sing, "榕树下". Yes, that old song from before we were born. By the time 1.15 am roll by, we really are singing any random songs. Those that are impossibly high and those that are impossibly hard to reach.

Left around 2.30am and YouWee drove us home. Thanks, dude(:

Now, I am exhausted! Waiting for my hair to dry before hopping in bed for 4hours. Got to be in school by 10.30am tomorrow*sigh*


1 comment:

vis-siv said...

yup.. gold price is insane.. but you're sucha sweet girl.. haha.. the expected reaction from ur mum wld be prolly to nag why you bought the chain and then she'll love it (: